[ITP] gmp-4.2 and mpfr-2.2

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Sun May 21 19:47:00 GMT 2006

Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS) wrote:

> I have packaged gmp-4.2 and mpfr-2.2.0.  The current gmp maintainer Lapo Luchini
> is happy for me to offer these for review and take over as maintainer if
> they are acceptable.

Thanks for doing this.

> The new cygmpfr1.dll is not binary compatible with the current cygmpfr0.dll.
> How should this be managed?  Should I provide a libmpfr0 package that just 
> contains the existing cygmpfr0.dll?

Yes.  What I would suggest is the following:

Get the current gmp-4.1.4-2 binary package.
Unpack usr/bin/cygmpfr-0.dll from it.
Package that file into libmpfr0-4.1.4-3.tar.bz2

Get the currrent gmp-4.1.4-2-src source package
Rename it libmpfr0-4.1.4-3-src.

And there you have it.  Sure, downloading and unpacking 
"libmpfr0-4.1.4-3-src" and following its build instructions won't get 
you the exact package libmpfr0-4.1.4-3.tar.bz2 -- but it WILL get you 
the exact cygmpfr-0.dll -- and that's all that's truly necessary in this 

Anyway, that's the procedure I use whenever I "bump" a DLL number but 
have to keep the old dll in the distribution (and guarantee that the 
source used to create THAT dll is also kept in the distribution, 
maintaining GPL happiness).


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