AW: AW: [ITP] Mini-XML (mxml)

Stefan Köpsell
Tue Jan 9 22:17:00 GMT 2018



> Do you plan on ITPing something which uses this?  A library by itself 
> is of little use.
The only answer I have is, that I do not plan to ITPing something which uses Mini-XML -- because it seems that not so many other software packages are actually depend on it. And the ones I found in Debian do not attract me.
But the reason I like to have the library in Cygwin is, that several of our projects depend on the library - and it makes contributing more easy, if the library is available as Cygwin package.

But I understand that this argument might not be very convincing.

In this case I would revoke my ITP.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im Auftrag von Achim Gratz
Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Januar 2018 19:52
Betreff: Re: AW: [ITP] Mini-XML (mxml)

Stefan Köpsell writes:
> I kindly want to ask if there are any further comments and suggestions.

I think the remaining question was this:

> Do you plan on ITPing something which uses this?  A library by itself 
> is of little use.

Which is probably something you might have an answer to…

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