Massive checkin but still no memory corruption fix

Chris Faylor
Mon Jun 21 21:10:00 GMT 1999

I made a lot of changes that will be reflected in the recent snapshot but
I am still seeing occasional memory corruption.  It is really sporadic
and difficult to track down.

This is what I've fixed:
1) a long standing "wait_subproc: wait failed, nchildren..." error.
2) stopped looping if there's an error on exit.
3) argument passing in #! scripts (e.g. #!/bin/sh -x)
4) don't attempt to use ntsec on drives which do not support it.
5) run strace program at higher priority for slight speed improvement.

I've also added the pseudo-JIT debugging from Egor Dada, although I wouldn't
recommend using quite yet.  It has a tendency to invoke itself a little
aggressively.  It obviously needs to be a little more integrated with


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