Parker, Ron rdparker@butlermfg.org
Tue Jun 22 07:45:00 GMT 1999

Not with cygwin.  It must link with the dll.  There may be a DLL'less
mingw32 port, but I am not sure.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lorenzo Bettini [ mailto:bettini@gdn.dsi.unifi.it ]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 12:31 AM
To: cygwin-developers@sourceware.cygnus.com
Subject: DLL

	I've just installed versione 2 under win98... I'd like to create an
that doesn't need the dll: actually I'm just using bison and flex and
I'm not using any Unix feature...
	is that possible?

thanx in advance
|  Lorenzo Bettini    ICQ# lbetto, 16080134           |
|  PhD student in Informatica (Computer Science)      |
|  Florence - Italy                                   |
|  Home Page        : http://w3.newnet.it/bettini     |
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|  Mail Home        : lorenzo.bettini@penteres.it     |
|  Mail University  : bettini@infostud.dsi.unifi.it   |
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