Next net release will be 1.1.3

Earnie Boyd
Mon May 22 14:42:00 GMT 2000

--- Chris Faylor <> wrote:
> It makes sense to "increment by two" for each net release.  This means
> that if someone downloads a snapshot (which will be something like
> 1.1.2, 1.1.4, etc.) they'll be able to upload to 1.1.3, 1.1.5, etc.
> The only slight inconsistency in this plan is that it is the opposite of
> the "stable releases are even, beta net releases are odd".  Since it's
> likely that few people besides DJ and I are aware of this even/odd
> relationship, I'm wondering if this is a big deal.

I don't think this is a big deal.  However, this makes the next major net
release need to be 1.2.1, which isn't a big deal either it's just semantics.

> If so, I guess the next net release will be 1.1.4.

Probably should just do this just for the semantics.


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