weird mount/ls behaviour

Thu Sep 14 14:17:00 GMT 2000

Tested with both 8/3/2000 and 9/14/2000 snapshots on NT 4.0 SP6a, fresh net
install into C:\Cygwin.

Steps to Repro:
1. Launch bash
2. 'mkdir /usr/src'
3. 'mount -b /cygdrive/d/src /usr/src'
4. 'ls /usr' (src directory appears)
5. 'ls -l /usr' (src directory disappears)
6. 'cd /usr/src' (gets "bash: cd: /usr/src: No such file or directory")
6. 'umount /usr/src'
7. 'mount -b d:/src /usr/src'
8. 'ls /usr/src', 'cd /usr/src', etc (everything works fine)

result: mount never seems to return an error if it can't qualify the win32
path supplied. This can be shown by doing a "mount -b
/cygdrive/d/dontexistever /usr/tmp" and seeing it succeed, and have an entry
in the mount table. The weird thing is the ls behaviour -- "ls" shows the
directory/mount, and "ls -l" does not.

I can provide strace outputs for the "ls" commands. If this will help, let
me know.

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