acl_access denies access owned by 'Everyone' group

egor duda
Fri Aug 23 08:13:00 GMT 2002


  Disclaimer: I have checked this only with cvs version, but
downloading the latest release now to verify things with it.

I have a file:

$ ls -la /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.2/specs
$ -rw-r-----   1 duda_adm Everyone     7163 Aug 17 22:41 /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.2/specs
$ getfacl /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.2/specs
# file: /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.2/specs
# owner: 1291
# group: 0
$ grep Everyone /etc/group

It's owned by different user (i'm currently logged on as 'duda'), but
'r' right to Everyone group which i belong to should give me the right
to access the file.

running gcc, though, shows this in strace

   74  213690 [main] gcc 327 path_conv::check: root_dir(e:\), this->path(e:\unix\usr\lib\gcc-lib\i686-pc-cygwin\3.2\specs), set_has_acls(8)
   75  213765 [main] gcc 327 read_sd: file = e:\unix\usr\lib\gcc-lib\i686-pc-cygwin\3.2\specs
  145  213910 [main] gcc 327 read_sd: file = e:\unix\usr\lib\gcc-lib\i686-pc-cygwin\3.2\specs: len=0
  147  214057 [main] gcc 327 getacl: 4 = getacl (e:\unix\usr\lib\gcc-lib\i686-pc-cygwin\3.2\specs)
  383  214440 [main] gcc 327 __set_errno: int acl_access(const char*, int):458 val 13

and gcc ignores this file and tries to look for specs further.

Is it an error in my setup or something wrong with recent ntsec
changes, which, i saw, affected handling of Everyone group?

If time allows, i'll certainly try to debug this further.

egor.   icq 5165414 fidonet 2:5020/496.19

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