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License, -mno-cygwin

Hello all,

I've been using combination of DJGPP+RSXNTDJ for a long while, and after
installing W2K the thing broke down. So, what about Cygwin...

What I want to know: can I write and release propertiary applications
compiled with and in cygwin environment, without making them GPL or
open otherwise, if I specify for GCC -mno-cygwin?

And do I understand correctly that in effect, -mno-cygwin makes the
app link only to Windows DLLs.

I do understand the fact that I'll break my ANSI compatible code with
-mno-cygwin. But I can work (probably rather fight) my way through

TIA (and please CC me, I'm not on the list)

Arto Huusko

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